Knowledge of the weather and atmospheric state is important for many fields including research and industrial areas. Our product makes it possible to perform in-situ atmospheric measurements even in worsened weather conditions. The measuring system we are presenting includes an unmanned autogyro equipped with suitable measurement devices and a ground station ensuring its easy control during flight. A set of sensors placed on the UAV can be chosen by a customer.
Our innovative algorithm of planning the optimal coverage of the measured area based on the discovered inhomogeneities or other important parameters (defined by the flight planner) together with the Galileo technology enables to shorten the time of the measurement and thus to reduce the costs and risks connected with measuring in adverse or rapidly changing conditions.
Read out our fact-sheet (english) or Czech version, or technical documentation.
The TF-ATMON project participated in the MyGalileoDrone competition, where we won third place.
You can read more about our participation in the press release (english), Czech version. Graphical attachement is here.